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Become a Contributing Photographer with SHOWGRAPHERS!

Are you a concert photographer with a passion for capturing the energy and essence of live music events? Do you dream of having your work featured on a platform dedicated to celebrating the art of concert photography? Look no further – SHOWGRAPHERS is calling on both aspiring and seasoned concert photographers to join our vibrant community of contributors.

Why Become a SHOWGRAPHERS Contributor

SHOWGRAPHERS is a dedicated platform where concert photographers can showcase their work and connect with musicians and a global audience. We celebrate the art of live music photography, offering photographers opportunities to grow their portfolios and reach new heights in their careers.

As a contributing photographer, you will be featured on our website, blog, and Instagram, and you'll receive an "official contributor" badge in the photographers' search.

Whether you’re driven by a love for rock, pop, jazz, or any genre, there’s a place for your creativity here. Ideally, contributors cover at least one or two shows per month. We accept applications from photographers worldwide and will start by adding a select number of contributors, gradually expanding over time.

How to Apply as a SHOWGRAPHERS Contributor

Joining SHOWGRAPHERS as a contributor is simple:

  1. sign up as a photographer (if you haven't already)

  2. go to the dashboard and click on "Apply as Contributing Photographer"

  3. fill out the form

That's it. The first deadline will be September 22nd. After that, we will scan the applications and inform all new contributors. But no worries, applications won't be closed and we will be adding more contributors over time.

How to Apply for Gigs

Once approved as a contributing photographer, we’ll send you all the details on how to shoot gigs for SHOWGRAPHERS. Generally, you’ll need to obtain our approval to request a photo pass for a gig you wish to cover, and then you’ll be responsible for securing the photo pass independently.

There will also be gigs where we actively seek photographers to cover the show and work on securing the photo pass for you.

So don’t miss out on this opportunity. Apply today and let your

photography journey with SHOWGRAPHERS begin!

Please note: These are unpaid positions. SHOWGRAPHERS is committed to nurturing a community of passionate concert photographers. While we encourage and support our contributors, securing photo passes remains the responsibility of each photographer. Approval from SHOWGRAPHERS is required prior to requesting a photo pass.

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